March as come and will be gone tomorrow and yes it currently came in like a lion (snow storm) and out like a lamb (rain). Well its a little too soon to say "April showers bring May flowers..." but I'm living by that rule today! Thunderstorms expected all day....ahhh I do love a good spring rain! It seems like spring is taking its sweet little time to grace us with its presence this year. I was getting a little bitter about it but I know that this will make us appreciate spring and summer that much more. This winter was the second worst winter in history (snowfall wise) and I'm just glad it is behind us.
I hope everyone has a great start to the week. School is starting to wind down for me. 4 weeks of classes left and I'm done...done for good! I still can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday I walked into my dorm room and was disgusted at how 4 girls had to sleep in the same room! ;) Happy Monday...
Monday, March 31, 2008
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Big Day Tomorrow!
UPDATE: The interview went really well! They are actually interested in training me for management after I get a few months experience behind the desk. So that was great news! I still have to meet with a few managers and I'll hear back from them in a few weeks...I'll keep you all posted on that as well! Thank you everyone for the prayers yesterday...I definitely felt God's presence!
I hope everyone is having a great week! I'm heading home for my second interview at the salon and spa tomorrow. The interview is at 2:30pm and I'm super nervous! I'm just praying that everything goes smoothly and I get the job. I'll update on Friday when I return...
Oh and CONGRATULATIONS to Paula at The Baby Journals...their family is officially together forever and I'm so happy for them! :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
First Day Outside!
After a nasty snowy morning, it finally warmed up in the afternoon! It is currently 48* and we are happy clams! This Michigan weather...I tell ya! Were else does it snow like crazy then get warmer and sunny all in one day? Well the boys and I took advantage of the nice afternoon and I took them for long walk, and then we rode bikes. The fresh air sure was needed in this house! We are all happy campers!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Monday Ramblings...
PS- I got creative again and made up another blog design! hehe... It's a good distraction from homework!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Three Girls with Lots to Say!
A few weeks ago when I was on my spring break, I mentioned that I had dinner with Steffie and Emmie. I finally have some pictures from our night! I know I've told you all this before but for those who don't know, I have known the Beckerings for about 5 years now. Tyler works for Stef's husband. I just love that family!
We had such a good time talking about all you bloggers! I'm crazy jealous along with everyone else in bloggyland that they are heading to Maui on Friday but at least we can live vicariously through pictures right?! Thanks for a great time Stef and Em! Love you guys!
(I do have to point out that my smile is a little off because of my wisdom tooth being was actually pretty painful to smile! My right cheek is still in chipmunk mode!)
Monday, March 17, 2008
New Season, New Look
Spring is arriving this week so I thought it was a good time to change the blog! Don't get me wrong...I LOVED the header that Becky made me, and I'm sure to use it again...I just wanted to dip my toes in the water and try it myself! I'm pretty proud of my first time try at this scrapbooking stuff! Leave me a comment, tell me what you think! :)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Favorite Photo Friday & My Bestest
Whew, its been quite the week! Pretty quiet around here but the heat decided to stop working yesterday. I'm sitting in 49 degrees right now....yeah NOT my cup of tea! Hopefully I can get someone out today to fix it. On the other hand, its going to be 50 degrees today!!!!!! YAY!!!! I know that's not a lot to some of you southern bloggers...hehe but its a lot to up Michiganders!
Also, my bestest friend Melissa is coming to stay the weekend with me!! I'm soooo excited! She goes to school in Indiana do during the school year we hardly see each other. When we are both home though, we are inseparable! I just love her to pieces! Well I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend...I know I will! ;) This is the night of my sisters bacholerette party last summer! We had such a good time! :)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Wishing Wednesday
I'm getting the summer itch!! The weather is finally coming out of the negatives and daytime highs are reaching 40! This makes me do the summer dance! I am a flip flop freak in the summer...I think I own over 10 pairs of flops! ;) Oh I can't wait for the day I get to slip my pretty pedicured toes in my flops.... ~sigh~
Monday, March 10, 2008
Zero to Sixty in One Week
Boy was that a joyous Spring Break! Where do I ever begin!? Well I left for home Thursday the 28th and came home to a bubble bath and a glass of wine...yes my mom knows me so well! :) Friday morning was the big surgery day. I got to the oral surgeon at 8am and was in sleepyland by 8:30. The tooth extraction went very well and I didn't even bleed that much. The first two days went ok, just slept a lot and drank shakes and smoothies. Day three however, was the day from hell. I woke up in tears because of the pain in my mouth and I couldn't even bit my teeth together. The swelling was both inside and outside of my mouth. Talk about NO fun. Luckily my fabulous fiance' laid around with me all day long. He will make such a good husband. ;) The Monday following surgery was still a little iffy but by Tuesday I was doing much better. 3 days went by with NO makeup or NO blow drying of the hair...that just might be a record for me! Anywho, Tuesday I ran some errands with my mom and then I went out to dinner with Steffie and Emmie!!!! We had such a great time! We met a local restaurant where we chated about all you fine bloggers ;) Then I headed back to the compound to see Thing 1 and 2! I must say, I love that family. They are always so sweet and fun. I do however give Stef the Mother of the Year Award...she sure puts up with a lot of chaos in that house!!! ;) You rock girlfriend! Stef took some pictures of us at dinner but hasn't posted them yet. I left my camera in the car on accident...typical me!
Well by Wednesday, I was getting sharp pains in the teeth that were near the extraction. I was popping Ibuprofen every 6 hours, otherwise I was nauseous from the pain. I was trying to push through it....
Thursday came along and I got a phone call from a Salon and Spa that I put my resume' into for a job/internship. The lady wanted to have an interview Friday morning. I was THRILLED!! You all know that I want to get a degree in Cosmetology after I finish my bachelor degree up here in 6 weeks, so this is my open opportunity to get into a salon starting as a desk receptionist.
Friday morning I woke up still in a lot of pain. I headed back to the oral surgeon so they could do the week after checkup. The dentist told me that everything looked good and I was healing nicely, unfortunately it sounded like I had a little bit of a dry socket, which was causing the pain. He then proceeded to try to stick a piece of medicated gauze down in the incision....yeah, that was a NO go. He forced and ripped so hard I started to bleed! I was like "ok Mister...STOP NOW OR I'LL SLAP YOU!" He then says "oh, it looks like its healing so fast I can't get it in there!" Well no sh*t!! My white knuckles didn't give that away?! Oh jeez...well after all the poking and prodding, he got some medication in the incision and I've been pain free ever since! So I guess it was worth it?
Ok so back to the job interview. It. went. fabulous. I couldn't have been more happy with it. I already have a second interview scheduled and a start date thrown my way! Yay for me!!! Finding a job was number one on my list of things to accomplish over my break and I did it! I feel really good about it.
Well I finished the week off working three 12 hour days with my mom at a Women's Expo that was held in our city. She is the corporate dietitian for a big grocery store chain in many states so she always has a big booth there. My feet are still aching from standing on concrete floors, dealing with crazy women who love free stuff for 3 days! Oh its good to back at school...
So there you have it! I started the break flat on my back and ended it on my feet for hours on end! The family that I nanny for is gone all week vacationing in its pretty quite around here. This week will be more of a break then last! ;)
(I didn't take a single picture while I was home. I'm sorry! My one chipmunk cheek wasn't that cute anyways!) teehehe
I'll be posting a long post later...I actually haven't even been home to unpack! I came straight to school this morning from my parents house. I missed you all and I'm trying to get through the blog roll before I post later! Be back soon... ;)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Just updating to tell everyone HI and that I survived my tooth being extracted! I actually only had 1 tooth out because that was all that I needed. It has still been a nasty road to recovery. I've been flat on my back for the last 3 days. I have had lots of swelling both inside and outside of my mouth and I don't like it at all! I'm still eating mushy foods because I can't bit my teeth down completely yet. Yes this is getting VERY old and I think I would be in the hospital if I had all 4 out! I'm not a good person with pain....haha Today has been the first day that I can actually get up and do something. I hope everyone is doing well. I can't really check up on all your blogs due to the slowness of my dial-up Internet! I'll be back this Sunday and have lots to say! HUGS to everyone!