Well its that time of year again...SPRING BREAK!! I just finished up my last exam of the week and I'm packing to head home. Even though I'm not going someplace warm and I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, I am still glad for a week off! I will be a busy bee all week so all is good! I'm going to be seeing a lot of friends I haven't seen in awhile, hopefully seeing Steffie B. and Emmie, spending time with my family, and getting a break from diapers! haha We don't have very good internet at my house due to the fact of living out in the boondocks but I'll try my best to update at least once or twice! If you don't hear from me, I hope you all have a great weekend and week...I'll be thinking about all of you and praying for all who need it! I miss you guys already!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Well the weekend is coming to a close and boy was it a good one! One of my best friends Erica and her roommate Allie came to visit me Friday! We had a great time. We hung out around the house for the day and then made pizzas and had a few adult beverages together later in the evening. We then headed out to meet Tyler at a local restaurant and had a few more beverages! We all had a great time together and I can't wait to see them again! My friend Abby also came with us for awhile!Abby, Erica, Me, Allie
After a late night out on Friday, we woke up around 11am on Saturday. Then the girls packed up and headed out. I then went over to see Tyler at his job site to see the progress that they had done. I'm still so proud of what he has accomplished at that building. He sure is good at what he does! :) Following that visit, I came back home and started helping Lisa make some appetizers for our girls night out. Yes, two nights out in one weekend....very rare for me so I'm dragging butt today! She had about 10 of her girlfriends over and we then headed to our church for a Women's Comedy Night Out. This is the 7th year our church as done this. It is so big and popular that tickets sell out within minutes. The show is themed each year and this year it was Old Hollywood. They had an amazing stage set up and a red carpet and all! We had a fabulous time there. Our pastoral staff always does a little skit and this year they reenacted The Wizard of Oz. And yes...one of our pastors was Dorothy. I am still laughing about it! They also give away awesome door prizes and I actually won a $25 gift certificate to the movies...score!! So last night turned into a pretty late night also....
That leads me into today. We went church this morning and the service was very good...like always. We actually had to write down on a piece of paper something that someone has done for us to help us with our faith and our walk with Jesus. I of course put down Denise and how she sent me the Jesus Calling book. I'm still so amazed at her kindness and even though we've never met in person, she is such a good friend to me and I cherish that friendship. I hope you all had great weekends as well. I'm looking forward to the end of this week because that starts the first day of Spring Break!! Too bad I'll be sitting in the oral surgeons chair Friday morning at 8am getting my wisdom teeth pulled! Happy vacation to me! haha
Friday, February 22, 2008
MY BEST FRIEND IS HERE FOR THE DAY/NIGHT! :) We are going out on the town tonight!! I'll post about our day tomorrow!!HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Basement Demolition!
Well we finally got tired of having this whole house wallpapered! The previous owners of the house at which I am a nanny at had a huge obsession with wallpaper! It was in every room of the house when the family first moved it. Over the past couple of years, they have been slowly taking it down room by room and now we have finally decided to say bye bye to the old basement and hello to a fun new look! This house has 4 levels so this level isn't technically the basement...there is another lower level. This level however is the level that I live on. It had this nasty maroon wallpaper covering the top half of the walls and wood paneling covering the bottom half. We got tired of looking at it so we started demolition this past weekend! There is also a wet bar on my floor that we are making huge changes to. I still don't have my digital camera because my mom is not back from her trip yet...so I can't take pictures of the disaster area. I will however take pictures when it is finished so you can all marvel at it! :) Over the course of this project, I have learned to enjoy peeling wallpaper! haha I know you are all thinking that I'm nuts but I find it to be kind of satisfying! I was told that I need to start taking it off in my bathroom too so this morning when I was showering, I decided to start ripping it off above my shower...haha I'm a freak! So needless to say, I'll be home later this afternoon peeling away and enjoying every minute! Muahahaha....
Monday, February 18, 2008
MEME Monday!
Happy Monday everyone! I had a great weekend with Tyler's parents. We relaxed, watched movies, and had a good time looking at my wedding planner! :) They are still calling for snow showers all week long. I'm trying to keep my head up and keep thinking that spring is just around the corner! I took this MEME from Paula over at The Baby Journals. I thought it would be a fun way to start the week....
1.Were you named after anyone? Nope, my dad just liked the name Amy!
2. When was the last time you cried? At church last Sunday.
3. Do you like your handwriting? I like it although it is huge and takes up a lot of room!
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Honey ham
5. Do you have kids? Nope but can't wait to have them some day!
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? Why of course! I'm a great friend!!
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Depends on my mood....
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes but they can be annoying at times
9. Would you bungee jump? ummm Maybe?!
10. What is your favorite cereal? Cherrios or Cinnamon Toast Crunch
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? sometimes...if I don't, I get annoyed when I go to put them back on!
12. Do you think you are strong? physically...NO Mentally...yes!
13. What is your favorite ice cream? Cookie dough or cookies n' cream
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their hair!
15. Red or pink? PINK!!!!!
16. What is the thing that you like least about yourself? My laziness
17. Who do you miss the most? My Nana and Papa who now live in North Carolina
19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Dark jeans and tall black snow boots
20. Have you ever re-gifted? Yes.
21. What are you listening to right now? Well there is no music playing but if I were to be listening to something it would be probably Carrie Underwood.
22. If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Hot Pink!
23. Favorite smells? Coffee beans and baby
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My friend Emily from IN
25. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I love Paula! She is such a gem!
26. Favorite sports to watch? Football or tennis
30. Favorite food? Chinese or seafood!!
31. Scary movies or happy endings? I'm a sucker for a happy ending. :)
32. Last movie you watched? Georiga Rule (deep, dark movie...) good though!
33. What color shirt are you wearing? black tank, black turtleneck, and gray zip-up sweatshirt...what its Michigan and its COLD!
34. Summer or winter? I looooove summer...but nothing over 85 degrees! ;)
35. Hugs or kisses? Lots of kisses!
36. Favorite dessert? Tiramisu'
39. What book are you reading now? Jesus Calling
40. What is on your mousepad? DELL....(just like you Paula!)
41. What did you watch on TV last night? Nothing, just watched a movie!
42. Favorite sound? The ocean
43. Rolling stones or Beatles? Which ever...not picky!
44. What is the furthest you have been from home? ummm florida? I don't get out much! haha
45. Do you have a special talent? I'm a good listener
46. Where were you born? Grand Haven, MI
Friday, February 15, 2008
Favorite Photo Friday!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
New Finds...
I have been resently reading some really great things. I wanted to share them with you all!
First is Jesus Calling. I first heard about this book from Gwen and she just raved about it! So then I tried buying online and had no such luck. Then my amazing friend, Denise, sent me a copy of my very own! I'm in love with this devotional. Every day it touches my heart and speaks to me on so many levels. I am recommending this book to everyone I know. It really has been changing my life.
Next, I'm reading this book along side my best friend Melissa. Together we decided to start a little bible study between eachother. We did some research on books, and found this series. We have just started with the first one, Courageous Women in the Bible. It has been great so far. The book has a short reading then has you read a passage in the bible. Then there are questions and things to think about. Very fun book if you want to start a womens bible study of your own!
And last but not least, my new wedding planner! I am in love with this book. It is more like a binder then a book but it has so many great ideas in it! This was my Valentines Day present from my mom. It has everything you can think of in it, such as places for business cards, pictures of flowers and their meanings, different dress options, ways to walk down the isle, and so on... I have just started stuffing it with all my finds so far. I'm afraid its going to be HUGE by the time the big day gets here! ;)
So there you have it! That is what I've been up to....along with school and homework of course!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Church was amazing this morning. Brought me to tears.
May today bring you rest and family time.
**Update on hair....Tyler loves it, I'm getting used to it, and Kyle calls it my chocolate milk hair! Bad news, my mom is borrowing my camera for her trip to Budapest, Hungery. I will not be able to take new pics for a couple of weeks. Sorry about that friends! I still have about a million on the computer though! ;)
Friday, February 8, 2008
YUP, you guessed it! I dyed my hair brown! Well it was suppost to be dark blond but it turned out brown! I think a lot of it will wash out in the next couple days...hopefully!! I'm still deciding on how I feel about it. I mean I have had my hair darker before but I've been SO blonde for SO long! The reason behind the dying was the upkeep of the blonde was just getting too pricey! I'll be for sure going back to blonde come summer. But I thought...why not get that natural color going for a few months and save some muuula! So there ya have it...little Miss Blondie turns litte Miss Brownie! ;)
Favorite Photo Friday!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Snow, Snow go away, come again....NEVER!!!
We are under yet another snow storm warning. We were suppost to get a bunch last night but the storm is slower then they thought. We are estimated to get 5-8 inches from now till evening. You know, it IS pretty to look at...when you are inside under blankets! NOT when you have to run around all day. Boo...I guess this will just make me appreciate spring and summer that much more!
Happy middle of the week to all! Chinese New Year is tomorow...how are YOU celebrating it?!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Chat with a 4 year old...
I had a conversation with Kyle the other day that went a little something like this...
Kyle- "Amy, Chinese New Year is coming up!"
Me- "Wow Kyle, how did you know that?!"
Kyle- "They told me on my tv!!!! (aka: Noggin)"
Me- "Do you know what that is Kyle?"
Kyle- "No..."
Me- I then explain it to him... and then I say "Do you have any friends from China Kyle?"
Kyle- "No, do you?"
Me- "Yes, I do know quite a few people from China"
Kyle- "Well I have a friend from Florida!"
HAHA I was laughing very hard! How cute is that?! If he only knew how far away China really was!
Happy Monday everyone! I'm a little more perky now due to the fact that temps are staying above 30 this week...wahoo! ;)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
7 Random Facts...
I've been tagged by Lea at Oh My #6 to post 7 random/weird facts about myself....here we go!
1. I'm 5'10'' and don't always love it. People say "I would love to be your height!" I just say...yeah right! ;)
2. I can't leave the house without some sort of makeup on and/or my hair being done!
3. I have had my hair colored brown, dark brown, red, platinum blond, and blond...blond is my favorite, however its a b*tch to keep up!
4. I have to change my cell phone wallpaper and my computer wallpaper frequently because I get bored easily with seeing the same thing over and over.
5. I love being in love.
6. I LOVE food, trying new things, and eating really gormet stuff.
7. I always order the same thing at Starbucks....Carmel latte, skim milk, extra hot!
There ya go! I hope you enjoyed reading some random things about me!
*I'm trying my best to get out of my funk...I'm staying positive and just keep thinking about spring! :)
Friday, February 1, 2008
In a funk...
It has finally got to me. This nasty winter weather...I can't take it anymore. My best friend Erica was planning on visiting today/tonight and the weather said NO WAY JOSE'! I was looking forward to this all weekend and after being dumped with snow last night and all day today, its just not going to work. Tyler is also working late tonight and all day tomorrow so we can't do much either. I have the boys all day today so we are limited to what we can do. We have some errands we can run but who wants to a) drive in this weather and b) cart around two kids in this weather?! I'm just in a winter funk. I also woke up this morning to a sore throat and I'm scared I'm going to get strep like Tyler had. :( If you guys could leave some nice, uplifting comments, that would be GREATLY appreciated.
Well at least its Friday right!? Ugh...